The Railway Chronicle

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August 13, 2012

Thank you for supporting a fantastic Olympic Games (TfL) 13th August 2012

Transport for London

We are proud to have played our part in delivering a great Olympic Games.

While the Games were here, we carried over 60 million passengers on the Tube, 30 per cent more than usual and more than at any time in its 149 year history. The number of people using the DLR rose by over 100 per cent compared to last year while London Overground carried nearly 6 million passengers - both beating all previous records. Traffic on our roads kept flowing and buses coped well.

By changing the way you travelled, you helped support the Games and kept London moving. Without you, the past two weeks wouldn't have been possible. Thank you.

On 29 August, the Opening Ceremony for what promises to be an equally great Paralympic Games will take place. We'll need your help again in avoiding the busiest times and locations.

Thank you in advance and let's get ready to welcome the world once more.

Peter Hendy CBE
Transport Commissioner

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