The Railway Chronicle

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August 19, 2012

UK Mainline Railtours for week commencing 20th August 2012

Railway Herald: Railtours Listing....

A full week of activity, including the following named tours....

As always, check with operators before making travel plans to confirm runnings.
The Railway Chronicle and Steam Tube support responsible railway photography.

The Mersey Moorlander
The Cathedrals Express
The Jacobite
The Shakespeare Express
The Northern Belle
The Dorset Coast Express
The Welsh Mountaineer
The Scarborough Spa Express
The Fellsman
The Northumbrian Statesman
The Diamond Jubilee Express
The British Pullman
The Kent & Canterbury Explorer
The Scarborough Flyer
The Weymouth Seaside Express
The Waverley

Some examples of last week's railtours.......

LNER A4 60009 The Cumbrian Mountain Express on the 18/8/12'THE WELSH DRAGON' with 5043 'Earl of Mount Edgcumbe' - (18/08/2012):61994 The Great Marquess with, 'The Fellsman' - 15th August 2012.(HD) 4464 Bittern CATHEDRALS EXPRESS 1Z91 15th August 2012

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