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April 01, 2013

International & UK Railway News Monday 1st April 2013 US News

Obama's newly minted 'Rebuild America Partnership' plan would provide $4 billion for TIGER, TIFIA programs
Amtrak seeks more federal capital funds for infrastructure, but less operating support for FY2014

AAR: Weekly U.S. carloads, intermodal loads climbed again

GAO: Some California high-speed rail project estimates could be more accurate

Cuomo welcomes additional $1 billion in federal aid for Hurricane Sandy recovery in New York

Long Beach port event stressed steady container volume growth in 2013

Brown appoints Perez-Estolano to California high-speed authority's board

White City Terminal becomes Rogue Valley Terminal Railroad

Shedmaster Railway News
The Key News to Keep You On Track

World Heritage & Railway News

Could train spotting provide the key to the future of the rail network?

From today numbers on the side of trains, traditionally noted down by enthusiasts, are being replaced by barcodes which spotters can more simply photograph on their smart phones and upload online.

Some are up in arms but the brainwave from North Yorkshire Moors Railway has wider implications for the rest of the network.

Northern Rail has adopted the idea and is asking passengers to join in taking photos of trains while they wait at stations to help provide more network information and cut costs.

The BBC's Nicola Stanbridge reports.HERE

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