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July 15, 2014

International & UK Railway News Tuesday 15th July 2014

 Total Railway News


O! I do like to be beside the seaside.....well, apparently Scots love Blackpool... and now you get to Devon sooner after timetable tweaking!

Click on the links for the full stories....

Letter from Patrick McLoughlin MP to Louise Ellman MP regarding the reclassification of Network Rail dated 10 July 2014.

Department of Transport approve earlier, faster trains between Devon and London.(Express & Echo).

Train tracks warning for Cardiff University students.(BBC news).

Stray balloons cause trams to shut down for two hours.(heraldscotland).

Why is Blackpool so popular with Scots?(BBC News).

Rail regulator considers bid for more services between Bradford and London.(Telegraph & Argus).

Britain's new railway revolution - the shop arriving at platform 2 is for you.(theguardian).

Buddleia: The plant that dominates Britain's railways.(BBC News).

Intelligent trains and air quality improvements headline Crossrail's latest sustainability report
Intelligent, energy-efficient trains and air quality improvements headline Crossrail's 2014 Sustainability Report which was published today.
The high-tech fleet of trains and the introduction of greener equipment is outlined in the report which highlights a number of economic, environmental and social successes since the construction of Crossrail began in 2009 and demonstrates the green credentials the railway will have when Transport for London (TfL) introduces the new trains from 2017.
The report also explains how Crossrail has been introducing greener equipment to reduce the negative impact that construction work has on air quality. In 2013/14, Crossrail increased the amount of construction plant equipment fitted with emissions controls across all its sites.
The report - the third since the start of the project - also highlights:
·         97 per cent of contracts have been won by UK companies
·         62 per cent of work goes to small and medium businesses
·         Close to 2,800 local people from London's boroughs and/ or the previously unemployed are now working on Crossrail
·         Crossrail is on target to achieve its 8 per cent carbon dioxide reduction which would save approximately 57,000 tonnes of emissions.
Andrew Wolstenholme, Crossrail Chief Executive said: “Our vision for sustainability is ambitious and covers both the construction of the railway and the design of sustainable operations. Our report not only outlines the successes we've achieved to date but also demonstrates our aim to create a sustainable railway for the generations ahead.”
The new lightweight Crossrail trains will be the most energy efficient trains of their type - built with an emphasis on energy efficiency and use of intelligent on-train energy management systems. The Crossrail trains will be built to an aerodynamic shape to help reduce drag and making use of recyclable materials. The trains will also feature regenerative braking systems allows energy to be returned to the electricity grid and smart LED lighting to reduce energy consumption, which is expected to give up to a 20 per cent reduction in energy costs.
During 2013/14, a £1bn contract was awarded by TfL to Bombardier which will see the East Midlands-based firm build the Crossrail fleet of new trains at their plant in Derby and maintain them at a new state of the art facility at Old Oak Common.
Howard Smith, TfL’s Director of Crossrail Operations said: “The new Crossrail trains will be the most energy efficient trains of their type, built with lightweight materials and intelligent systems for passenger comfort and reducing the impact on the environment.”
TfL will be working with Bombardier on the final design for the trains with the first due to be delivered in May 2017. This will support 760 UK manufacturing jobs plus 80 apprenticeships. An estimated 74 per cent of contract spend will remain in the UK economy.
The new fleet of trains will be progressively introduced to the existing rail network from 2017 well in advance of services commencing through Crossrail's central section in December 2018.
For a full copy of the sustainability report click here.

"Freight on Rail" Press Release.
Landmark Planning Permission for Radlett Rail Freight Terminal.
Planning permission1 for the Strategic Rail Freight Interchange (SRFIs) at Radlett in Hertfordshire sets a crucial precedent which will allow more freight to be removed from our congested road network2, according to Freight on Rail.
Philippa Edmunds, Freight on Rail Manager said, ”Radlett has become a test case because of its location in the South East where there is a lack of alternative sites with good road and rail connections.”
She added that “Developers should now have the confidence to build a network of strategic intermodal terminals, which make road/rail transhipment financially viable, as long as the Government’s National Networks National Policy Statement makes the need for SRFIs clear. Rail offers a safer3 low- carbon4 alternative to road”.

Network Rail.

Services between Liverpool and St Helens resume as railway reopens on time

The line between Liverpool and St Helens has reopened today (14 July) after a nine-day closure to improve the railway in the north west of England.

Network Rail installed a new third track in the Huyton and Roby area to help increase capacity and allow faster journeys between Liverpool and Manchester as part of the £1bn+ Northern Hub and North West Electrification Programme.

Other improvements included new signalling and upgrades to Huyton and Roby stations such as better customer information systems, new lifts and easier access via subways.
Ian Joslin, area director for Network Rail, said: “This is the latest phase of more than £1bn of investment in the railway in the north of England and will help to provide better services between Liverpool, Manchester, Leeds and the north east of England.
“The improvements will deliver faster and more reliable journeys, more seats and extra capacity, all of which are vital to the continued growth of the railway and the positive impact it has on the economy.

“The work was carefully planned so the closure was for the shortest amount of time possible and I thank every one affected for their patience.”
Alex Hynes, managing director for Northern Rail, said: “We would like to thank our customers for their patience during the recent upgrade work. Services between Liverpool, Manchester and Wigan will be running as normal from Monday and the improvements can be easily seen by those travelling on the route. This investment demonstrates another move towards more reliable, faster and greener journeys for our customers.”

Chris Nutton, programme director for TransPennine Express, said: "It is great news for customers that FTPE's fast service between Liverpool and Manchester has been restored on time and on schedule. The improvement works will represent greater service reliability for customers and the way the programme was managed is a great example of train operators and Network Rail working together. We have all worked hard to inform customers of what is happening and why and importantly we have provided travel alternatives to enable passengers to continue their journey in a stress free and easy manner as possible."
Passengers are already seeing the benefits of investment in the railway in the north west of England. From May 2014, a new direct service from Manchester Victoria to Liverpool was introduced which takes just 33 minutes between the two cities, a 10 minute journey time reduction overall.

Further work will take place on the railway to complete the final phase of electrification of the route between Manchester and Liverpool before electric trains begin to operate from December 2014.

Roundham level crossing users get safety message
Roundham Level Crossing
Network Rail photo

Users of Roundham level crossing in Kidlington are being targeted this week in a campaign by Network Rail and British Transport Police (BTP) to help them stay safe on the railway.

This campaign follows an incident on 8 June when a dog was killed and its owner narrowly missed by a train passing over the crossing at 110 mph. Over the last few weeks a number of ‘bad practices’ by some users have been observed. These have included members of the public stopping on the crossing and others being distracted through wearing headphones.
Network Rail has committed to closing level crossings, wherever possible, and in cases where this can’t be achieved it has pledged to make them safer. The focus of the campaign this week will be to provide members of the public with all the information they need in order to be able to use the level crossing safely. This includes staff from Network Rail and BTP attending the crossing at peak times to advise users and hand out flyers containing key safety information.
Alan Durham, level crossing manager for Network Rail, said: “Wherever possible we are looking to close level crossings and provide alternative means of going over or under the railway. However that isn’t always possible, so we need to educate people to use the crossing correctly.
“When you use a level crossing every day, it’s easy to become complacent about the risks involved. We therefore want to use this campaign to not only raise awareness of these risks, but to help people understand that by taking a few simple steps and adhering to the safety advice provided they can keep themselves and others safe while using the crossing.”

Saving Lives at Level Crossings -- A price too high to pay

(International Union of Railways on YouTube)

China's high-speed rail revolution.(BBC News).

All aboard: China's railway dream.(BBC News).

Why China can build high-speed rail so cheaply.(Global Construction Review).

Signal of change. (The Week).
"Focussing on completing 33 ongoing projects this year...and signalling the government's intent to start operating bullet trains, starting with the Mumbai-Ahmedabad route"

Russia derailment: 21 dead in Moscow metro crash.(BBC News).

Former bar demolished as high-speed rail construction begins in Fresno.(abc30 News).

  • LIRR, union negotiations at an impasse; MTA prepares for strike
  • USDOT receives 81 recommendations from National Freight Advisory Committee
  • Rail developments emerge at four U.S. ports
  • Blumenthal plans Senate hearing on PTC
  • U.S. crude production to reach 43-year high in 2015, EIA predicts
  • Denver's RTD to hold meeting on Central Rail Extension study
  • FTA publishes update of grant reporting instructions
  • FHWA, DDOT set second public meeting on final Virginia Avenue Tunnel environmental report

  • Other Railway Press.

    TfL selects Barber & Osgerby to design Crossrail trains
    Transport for London (TfL) has named design studio Barber & Osgerby as the design partner for the fleet of Crossrail trains, which will be operated on the UK's newest rail line from 2017. 

    Network Rail resumes services between Liverpool and St Helens after track upgrades
    UK Network Rail has resumed services on the route between Liverpool and St Helens, after the completion of railway improvements in north-west England. 

    GB Railfreight receives first batch of new Class 66 locomotives
    UK's GB Railfreight (GBRf) has taken delivery of the first batch of five new Class 66 locomotives, which are on order with US-based Electro-Motive Diesel (EMD). 

    Network Rail selects ABC Electrification for rail electrification programme in UK
    A joint venture comprising Alstom, Babcock and Costain has signed a €1.1bn framework agreement with Network Rail for the electrification of the UK's railways over the next seven years.


    Fire Protection and Safety in Tunnels 2014

    10-11 September 2014, Bergen, Norway

    Fire Protection and Safety in Tunnels returns for 2014 after a fantastic event last year in Copenhagen which set new standards for case study, industry driven presentations and networking opportunities. This year the event will be held in the beautiful city of Bergen in Norway, a country with an impressive network of over 900 road tunnels alone. With the current upgrading of tunnels happening in Norway and several new projects being constructed Norway is a great location to host our 6th annual event.

    Register HERE


    What we're talking about this week:

    • Interview: First Great Western on why ticketing will become the biggest game-changer in rail passenger experience  
    • Designed by Ferrari, and costing an estimated $50 million to make, will this Japanese train be the most the luxurious yet?
    • France face rail transformation, as Senate approves reform bill
    • Rail unions present an 'unarguable' case in their losing bid on franchises 
    • The high street continues its battle, whilst Network Rail thrives in retail profit  

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